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Sustainable Organization

Updated: May 23

There are lots of ways to be a good citizen and be sustainable while organizing. I am personally committed to being as sustainable as possible while helping my clients, declutter theirs homes/offices.

For one thing, I take the time to ensure that any item that is purged finds a new home by doing a little research on where items can be recycled, repurposed, donated or sold. Now most of my clients are not selling their giveaways so I came up with a solution to take that burden off of them and do it myself.

I joined Facebook freeboxes, started researching not for profits that give a high percentage of the proceeds to the people they serve, built relationships with organizations in my community such as homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, synagogues, churches, facilities who help adults with disabilities and also agencies who provide help for clients who cannot afford mental health services. Does it take extra time? Yes it does, but to me its worth it.

The smile I see on someones face when their child receives a book or a toy, the gratefulness I get to experience when I donate to someone in need, the generosity of all the folks who take the time in their life to serve others and the fact that my clients can feel good about letting go because their posessions will get "new life" in someone else's home. And then there's my volunteers. The group of people who help me distribute items and organize items to make this possible. Its a win win for everyone!

Getting rid of office supplies? Check in with your local schools. Getting rid of books? Check in with your library, Half priced books or those cute little book libraries people have in front of their homes. Donate clothing to homeless shelters or your favorite charity. Got boxes and bubblewrap after a big move? Join Box Dibs on Facebook and give it away for someone else to use for their move. If you have growing children find a family in your neigborhood or a family member who could benefit from your donations.

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